HR Audits

A team planning out on a board with sticky notes

Your Ministry’s Operational Health is Our Mission

There comes a time when the church needs to ensure its house is in order – that legal documents are in place, that required state and federal filings have been made and are up to date, and that operational policies and procedures are in place to guide the organization through day-to-day ministry.

That’s where we come in. Your operational health is our mission, so that you can focus on the important work – furthering the kingdom.
A team planning out on a board with sticky notes

Book a Free Discovery Call

To learn more about how we can help optimize the operational policies and procedures of your organization.

Free Discovery Call

Operational Audits for Faith-Based Organizations

At Church HR Network, we specialize in the unique HR needs associated with faith-based organizations and conduct regular operational audits for our clients. During your Operational HR Audit, we’ll conduct a thorough review of your existing organizational standing from top to bottom.

Our operational audits include a review of the following:

  • 501c3 organization documentation and by-laws
  • Insurance verification
  • Workers comp policy
  • Human Resource compliance
  • Personnel files on record
  • Employee handbook
  • Status of financial audits
  • Employee classification audit
  • Congregational-specific required records
  • Federal, state, and legal documents

Once our audit is completed, we will review our entire record of audit findings with you and work to address any key areas of non-compliance, best-practice shortfalls and provide solutions to any issues we identify. If needed, we can also help you create an injury illness and prevention plan and COVID-19 response plans and protocols.

Your Ministry’s Operational Health is Our Mission

At Church HR Network, we specialize in reviewing, revising, and creating vital organizational documents such as bylaws and policy manuals (e.g., for boards, schools, etc.). A thorough evaluation of these documents is crucial for establishing a strong foundation for your ministry. Our review process is highly collaborative, guaranteeing close cooperation with you at every step, guiding you through the entire process.

Exempt & Non-Exempt Audits

Over the last several years the US Department of Labor has increased its efforts to audit employers, including churches, for compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). If your church was audited and found to be out of compliance, you could be subject to significant penalties and fines.
Essentially, “exempt” positions are excluded from minimum wage, overtime regulations, and other rights and protections afforded nonexempt workers. Employers must pay a specified salary rather than an hourly wage for a position for it to be exempt, as well as meet specific duties requirements.
On the other hand, “non-exempt” employees are not exempt from FLSA requirements. We know that navigating the Exempt/Non-Exempt Classification in the church world can be sticky – but we’re here to help.

We’re Here to Help

There are many aspects of Human Resources that uniquely apply in a faith-based setting, which is why it’s so important to understand the risks involved with compliance and avoid jeopardizing your faith-based protections and exemptions.

It’s essential to ensure your organization is complying with FLSA laws and regulations, especially when it comes to employees; and that’s where we come in.